Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Girl from L.A.

The Girl from L.A.

The main reason I went on my trip was to meet people. Ok, that isn't true. The main reason was to drink but meeting new people came in a close second. This readily led me to walking tours. They provide a captive group of travelers, most of which are alone and looking to meet and be social.
              Every conversation on one of these tours begins the same way. “What's your name and where do you live?” To say that people thought it was unusual that I was from Alabama would be an understatement. To get an idea of their reaction, imagine you met a nice man who tells you he is from the center of the Earth. I came back with a very firm belief that the rest of the world believes that there are either no roads in Alabama or a very tall wall surrounds my state. It reminds me of that scene in the new Star Trek movie where Spock sees those other Vulcans in that weird college admissions interview thing and they congratulate him on doing so well despite the fact that he's half human. I guess that's what its like. It's like someone saying you're half human. Wait, no... Never mind.
            On one of the previously mentioned tours, the free introductory tour of Prague to be exact, I met a person I found very interesting. Our conversation began as such:

Madison: “Where are you from?”
L.A. Girl: “California, you?” She was smiling at this point with the same smile she had on since the tour started. I think her cheeks were pinned.
Madison: “California, cool. I'm from Alabama.”
L.A. Girl: “WOW, Alabama? Really?!”
Madison: “...Yeah. So what part of California?” I already had a pretty good guess by this point.
L.A. Girl: “L.A. I'd ask you where you are from but I've never been to Alabama before.” Side note: I once saw a TV show that talked about Alabama. I guess she missed that one.

(Uncomfortably long pause)

Madison: “Well I've never been to California but I know where L.A. is...” In retrospect, I'm sure she had               already assumed this.
L.A. Girl: “Well yeah but, like, you've heard of L.A. before right?”
Madison: “Hhhhmmmm, L.A.?,” I said while tapping my right index finger on the center of my upper lip.                         "How do you spell it?”

(Another uncomfortably long pause)

L.A. Girl: “Aaahhhh. Very funny you.”

               At this point I acted like I had to go to the restroom and excused myself from the conversation. She seemed nice but in a fake way. And I apologize if I have offended anyone from the great state of the Govenator but if you honestly don't know enough to hazard a guess about the largest city in my state, I doubt we have much to talk about.

She never stopped smiling the entire time.

Later ya'll


  1. Was she a natural blonde or a bottle blonde...because after reading this I know she was blonde!

  2. Actually a brunette. I should have asked if that was a wig.
